Take a look at this outfit...

I know, cute right? A white short-sleeved top and a lovely patterened skirt with animal patches. I definitely could see Sarah Jessica Parker as herself or as Carrie Bradshaw wearing this ensemble to the playground playing with little James Wilke Broderick or with Brady Hobbes. I would tell her to lose the miniature teddy brooch, though, because it's a wee bit over the top. But on second thought, if you're SJP or Carrie Bradshaw, you could probably get away with most anything.
Anyway, now take a look at this...

I know, scary right? You wouldn't expect a woman who has more wrinkles than my Marc Jacobs leather handbag with crazy spiky hair to wear this
les petits enfants combination. And this picture looks so odd in the way she poses and how big her head looks. It's like I had cut the head from a different photo and glued it on to this body. While I've heard that Inggrid Wijanarko is a little on the quirky side. But this is like a scene from a bad Indonesian remake of "I Am Sam" entitled
"Jangan Kucilkan Mereka (Inggrid, Main Bola Lagi Yuk)".
Heartbreaking. It almost makes me want to hug her and console her that this world still has a place for a 50 year-old former
"Dunia Bintang" host, even though she's a closet-lesbian, and then take her to LuTuYe for a chemical peel and a hair extension. Almost...
Posted by Neng Sarah