Wednesday, May 02, 2007

FYI: Maria Eva,

I recently got hold of a snapshot of you supposedly doing charity work in Aceh.

Please be duly informed that religious attire does not translate as covering up your whole body and wearing an ugly multicoloured halter top with a low-V over it, then topping the outfit with lacy pantyhose over your head.

So honey, stop trying to fool us anymore. The day this country buys into your wanita soleha incarnation would be the day Tukul Arwana plays the romantic male lead in a sinetron opposite Chelsea Olivia and Glenn Alinskie. Do yourself a favour: go back to dressing like the cheap limelight-hogging Z-grade dangdut skank that you are, and find yourself another rich henpecked politician with a titit petite.

Mbak Diah

Posted by Mbak Diah


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