Monday, March 26, 2007

cheongskirt ['chôngskərt] noun
a cross between a traditional Chinese dress (cheongsam) and a skirt, usually made from an old tablecloth bought from Pasar Senen. First worn in 2006 by Indonesian film director Nia Dinata during a film award ceremony in Kowloon, where she was arrested after mistakenly believed by local immigration authorities to be an autistic Chinese seamstress smuggling fake figurines from Shenzhen into Hong Kong.

pigtails ['pigtāls] noun
two gathered hanks of hair hanging from the sides of one's head, which an adult woman should never ever ever ever wear in public.

Ci Mey Lan ['chē mā län] noun
mannish Chinese spinster who sells made-in-China porcelain artefacts in the north Jakartan suburb of Muara Karang. Bears uncanny resemblance to Nia Dinata.

Mbak Diah

Posted by Mbak Diah


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