Saturday, December 16, 2006

Denada and artistic integrity goes hand in hand just like Annisa Bahar and a touch of class, i.e. SHE DOESN'T HAVE ANY!! From being a lady rapper, to an R&B crooner, to a lousy Dangdut singer, she has done it all for a pile of cash. If she were a pornstar, she would be the kind who's willing to 'do it' with farm animals for a measly extra few bucks.

So naturally, when it comes to fashion, it doesn't come as a surprise that she's as stylish as a pair of Sendal Rindi. You know...
"Me-langkah bersama Rindiiii...
Oh Rindiiii...

She's scheduled to perform (what else?) "Goyang Dombret" that night on Dag Dig Dut alongside Trio Macan. So she donned the best outfit possible that she has: a black leotard that she used to wear for her workout with Ade Rai. But then she realized something, "I can't be upstaged by those Cheetah's Girls! I need to accesorize! Hmmm...pearls...yes, I NEED PEARLS!!!". She rushed to an accesory store in Pasar Mayestik and asked for the cheapest fake pearl necklace.

"Yes, THIS IS IT!!", she exclaimed as she checked her reflection in the mirror. "But I need more...MORE PEARLS!!"

The shopkeeper ran back and forth to bring her more fake pearl necklaces, while Denada frantically kept on piling more and more pearl necklaces around her neck.

"Tambo cie, Uni...!!!"

" more pearls...", said the shopkeeper. She looked terrified.

"WHAT??? NO MORE PEARLS??? But I'm not finished! Okay, just bring me everything you have. The cheap ones..!!!"

The shopkeeper fetched her every cheap items on the display counter: a gaudy hair ornament, cubic-zirconia earrings and every little trinkets available in the store.

Denada cried out, "OH YES...Finally...". Tears are running down her cheeks. The shopkeeper's face is filled with horror as she watched Denada. She now looked like an evil queen from Planet Uglivion X-5 in "Battlestar Galactica".

"Okay, how much is everything...?"

"Rp 47.350, Mbak..."

Neng Sarah.

Posted by Neng Sarah


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